Fear keeps many of us from getting what we want, especially in matters of money. It's true for me and it's true for you.
Be honest with yourself and count the number of times fear has prevented you from taking action, and in the process cost you a lost financial opportunity.
In the matter of property investment fear holds many investors back, in business growing your business to the next level can be too fearful.Some fear taking on more debt, others fear failure and some even have a fear of success (will my friends still like me?).
Learn to harness your fears and rather than focus on the negatives, use fear to force yourself into positive action. For example, rather than allowing fear of debt to stop you taking on the commitment of buying a property you use the fear of not moving forward with your investments to motivate you
Use the fear of being stuck in an unfulfilling job for the rest of your life, without the financial independence that you are craving, to motivate yourself to take on the commitment of an investment property or start a new business or expand and grow your business.
Just like a river, fear can be bridged.
The river of fear is only as deep and as wide as you allow it to be. And once you've crossed that river of fear and experienced the success on the other side, you usually look back and wonder why you were ever afraid.
But here's the catch. The only people who actually realise this are those who have crossed the river and stand on the other side.
Money and success lives on the other side of fear.
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